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Communication problems

Posted: 09 Dec 2010 7:51
by thor8
I've got some problems with my agent
When i use the ctmping utility i have the following
entrie in AG_* log:

1209 16:00:42:850 AG:OS_PROC_check_lock
1209 16:00:42:850 AG:OS_PROC_check_lock: checking ./locks/TRACKER.lock
1209 16:00:42:850 AG:OS_PROC_check_lock: lock file opened successfullly
1209 16:00:42:852 AG:OS_PROC_check_lock: lock file ./locks/TRACKER.lock is locked
1209 16:00:42:852 AG:OS_PROC_check_lock: exiting
1209 16:00:42:852 AG:OS_PROC_start_process: AT process already running.
1209 16:00:42:852 AG:OS_COMM_sess_open
1209 16:00:55:471 AG:(-AG-) ssl_accept ...
1209 16:00:55:471 AG:OS_COMM_sess_ssl_accept
1209 16:00:55:471 AG:OS_COMM_sess_ssl_accept: BCA_Accept
1209 16:00:55:501 AG:OS_COMM_sess_ssl_accept: Unable to create new server session
1209 16:00:55:501 AG:Failed in SSL accept.
1209 16:00:55:501 AG:OS_COMM_sess_close:17
1209 16:00:55:501 AG:AG_MAIN_loop OS_COMM_sess_open default return

It looks like some SSL problems but i don't know exactly what
Please help
THX and regards

Posted: 15 Dec 2010 8:53
by rchkevin

Please provide more details of the issue
CTM SRVER OS: / Version / Fixpack
CTMAGENT: OS/ Version / Fixpack
SSL Enabled: (Yes / No)
ctmping executed from agent / server

Posted: 21 Dec 2010 11:18
by thor8

CTM Server:
Computer System :IBM RS/6000
Operating System :AIX

PANFT. CONTROL-M/Enterprise Manager FIXPACK 3


SSL enabled - YES

When i restart application agent status change to available
but now i have another problems with Configuration Manager.
1. First problem
When I restart machine wher the agent is installed and start the agent
on configuration manager status of this agent is "Not OK" (i try to run job on this agent but it doesn't help job is waiting resource - i wait 3 or 4 hours) status change when I ping to this agent from Configuration Manager

2. Second problem
I register new agent in configuration manager, when i ping to this agent state is Available, but in row state it is Unavailable and in massage row there is a following description "Agent switching to SSL mode"

Please help
thanks and regards

Posted: 21 Dec 2010 12:37
by rchkevin
CONTROL-M/Agent for Unix
In the agent_home/ctm/data/CONFIG.dat file, set COMMOPT to
CONTROL-M/Agent for Microsoft Windows
Run the ctmagcfg utility, and specify Y for option 8 in the
advanced menu.
Restart the control-m agent.
After making the changes, verify the issue. Check for SSL related logs in proclog directory of agent and server. If any error is present please paste here.

Posted: 21 Dec 2010 1:55
by thor8

I change SSL to Y, restart agent and now agent is in Unavailable state message is "Agent status not OK".
Message from ctmping
1221 13:38:26.36 CTMPING1167364: Found dsect error code:
1221 13:38:26.36 CTMPING1167364: Error code = 0
1221 13:38:26.36 CTMPING1167364: Error message = 'Communication Error'
1221 13:38:26.36 CTMPING1167364: DSECT_ONE_delete
1221 13:38:26.36 CTMPING1167364: DSECT_ONE_get_type

Posted: 22 Dec 2010 1:24
by rchkevin
Is SSL enabled in CTM Server?
Are they key files generated for this?

Posted: 23 Dec 2010 10:27
by thor8
Server-Agent Comm. Protocol : SSL

Key file i think it's created automatically when we install agents, on other agents there wasn't any problems with this