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JOb runs under root account.

Posted: 20 May 2010 9:11
by Rashid
does it make any problem if the control-m job runs on linux under account of root.

Quick reply highly appreciated.

Posted: 20 May 2010 10:09
by fafa1975
Maybe I don't understand the problem.
The Control/M agent processes normally runs with root account and you can choose the account under wich the job runs with the owner field on job definition.
You can choose any account you want as owner of the job. For Control/M agent there are no problems.
Obviously the job process will run under root account and there will be all the normal security problems on systems.


help ...

Posted: 06 Aug 2010 5:03
by spicyicee
Please provide me more details on how to add the script name in OS.dat.

Posted: 09 Aug 2010 4:47
by philmalmaison
for my part can i have some more infos about
script and a file containing the authorized scripts


Posted: 11 Aug 2010 4:09
by spicyicee
Hi Philmalmaison,

Do you know what are the changes that need to be made in the OS.dat file.

Posted: 12 Aug 2010 11:14
by Samarth_Vyom
You can use UserExit 102 to restrict submission of job as root owner
This UserExit would chage the owner name "root" to something else before submittnig the job for execution
for this we have to make some modifications in the config.dat file.

For detail information please refer COTNROL-M server Administration Guide