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All batch my jobs running for longgggggg time

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 2:01
by niras
Hi All,

I have lot of batch jobs that stays in executing stage for long time.

Functionally,I can see the result of the job in few seconds but the job in Enterprise manager GUI sits in Executing stage on an average of about 8 minutes for almost all the batch jobs.The ENDED OK conditional jobs are delayed due to this .

Nature of batch jobs:

Run Database load and extract jobs
Run .exe's
Run FTP script etc..

we are using control-M 6.4
Please adivice..

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 1:08
by baralem
Hi niras.
If agent is on windows, try the following:

1. Run the ctmwincfg utility
2. Chose option "Job children inside job object" and set its value to N
3. Restart the CONTROL-M/Agent after saving to make the changes take effect.

You can see problem description at BMC site, SolutionID SLN000000192921.


We had this too with Control-EM Return status being slow, tr

Posted: 12 Feb 2010 1:10
by LordOfAfford

Go look in your installation folder for Control-M Server and look for the following folder installdrive:\CONTROL-M Server\Ctm_server\Status
If this is filled up with a few thousand files then there is your problem.
Delete all files older then 2 days, because the system only uses those ones of today. We actually scheduled a job for deleting all files older then 2 days under this folder so we don't run into that problem anymore.


Posted: 12 Feb 2010 4:40
by gglau
Make sure tracker process is running at the agent.

Posted: 13 Feb 2010 1:37
by niras

Thaks for the replies..

baralem---Had set the windows agents to "Job children inside job object" and set its value to N--yet to test the results.--where can I set this for Linux agents?

LordOfAfford--the folder is always empty -I checked in few intervals if it being filles.

gglau--can you Please explain where can I find these settings and also how can this impact batch jobs?


Posted: 15 Feb 2010 9:41
by baralem
Parameter "Job children inside job object" is only for windows platform.
To check agent processes status you can use ag_diag_comm
You should also check control-m server name resolution at agent's host.



Posted: 16 Feb 2010 4:27
by gglau
Tracker process at agent (AT) reports job status back to Control-M server as soon as job is completed. Tracker process at server (TR) also polls all agents for job status. Since polling by TR occurs less frequently (I think default is every 15 minutes), it takes longer time for job status to be reflected back to server (and EM) therefore subsequent job post-processing will be delayed.

Make sure processes p_ctmag and p_ctmat are running at the agent using command ag_diag_comm (notice the few lines at the tail end).