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Triggering z/OS job runs from Linux

Posted: 22 Aug 2008 9:57
by vpaldi
Hi everybody!

I have a problem - maybe architectural and not technical - which is to be solved using Control-M.

The situation:

A z/OS application has growing number of Linux frontends/satelites. The whole z/OS batch-like operation is described in and executed by Control-M. From time to time unsolicited user events may occur on the Linux machines, which require certain operation on z/OS. The Linux event might trigger a run of a shell script in the Linux environment. The systems are isolated from each other, so the triggered script can not use resources outside of its environment.

The wish:

It would be nice, if the Linux script can trigger a batch job (and pass parameters), or at least set a condition on the z/OS.

The configuration:

Control-M for z/OS, Control-M for Distributed Systems and Control-M Enterprise Manager are installed. No Control-M components are deployed to the Linux machines at the moment.

The questions:

- how can I handle this sutuation?
- how can I notify z/OS Control-M or the EM that a prepared job or jobchain sould start?
- what kind of architectural change in the Control-M setup - if any - is necessary?

Many thanks in advance,

Posted: 22 Aug 2008 11:12
by Walty

1) Linux server triggered event(s) and create one file (empty or with your parameters)
2) Execute one FTP transfert from Linux to MF
3) On MF detect the creation for the new DSN

You can exploit after the contents of this file (example: if the FTP file is created in your %%LIBSYM) or you can posted conditions/actions on the Control-M for z/OS


Posted: 22 Aug 2008 11:27
by Dilbert
You can use Global Conditions, pass them from Linux machine to z/OS.
I'm using that one in my environment for controlling job-flow.

Posted: 22 Aug 2008 11:37
by Walty
I agree your suggestion, but in the situation described no Control-M products are installed on the Linux machine.

Posted: 22 Aug 2008 2:25
by vpaldi
Thanks for the fast reply.

Walty: I will check with my colleagues the ftp-based solution.

Dilbert: is it enough to deploy a CTM Agent on the Linux (which is z/Linux in some cases), and so will we be able to set a global condition?

Have a nice weekend,

Posted: 22 Aug 2008 3:06
by Walty
If you can install an Control-M agent on Linux and that the 2 Control-M (z/OS and DS) are connected to your Control-M/EM, the usage of Global Conditions is the best solution.


Posted: 22 Aug 2008 3:12
by hipikll
You need to install Control-M Server and Control-M/EM (for distributed environment) to use global conditions. Agent without this architecture is unuseful.