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Kill a "currently running" job

Posted: 03 Mar 2015 6:46
by GregE
If I have a job that runs every 5 minutes pending the completely of a previous run, is there a way to put a time limit on the job? We've had situations where a client server application has had an outage, but the CM job running against that application at the time of the outage shows "currently running" in the sysout, and will remain that way until it's manually killed. That creates a business problem since these need to run every 5 minutes.

Any way to get around this?

Re: Kill a "currently running" job

Posted: 05 Mar 2015 7:47
by anirudhrh
how about using the tolerance option

Re: Kill a "currently running" job

Posted: 18 Mar 2015 4:29
by sharas

You could send an outage if the job is running longer than expected time to send a SHOUT to a script on Control-M server which in turn runs a ctmkilljob utility . Please note you could also pass order id as parameter in SHOUT .

usage: ctmkilljob
[ -ORDERID <unique order ID> ]
[ -NODEID <name> ]
[ -MEMLIB <path> ]
[ -MEMNAME <filename> ]
[ -JOBNAME <name> ]
