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Different Calendars in SMART Table

Posted: 06 May 2013 8:31
by noynoytalam

I have a SMART Table that I assigned 2 RBCs. Inside the table, I have 4 jobs named A, B, C and D. Jobs A, B and C have the same calendars while Job D is different. I expect that when I order the job (through ctmorder command or ctmudly) I will only see jobs A,B and C ordered to AJF based on the calendar setting of each job. But what happens is job D is also ordered to the AJF.

When I run Load Forecast against the SMART Table, I can see the result I expect wherein the jobs A, B and C are ordered but not D. Is there anything I am missing on why job D is ordered together with jobs A, B and C despite the differences in the calendar setting for each job? Does the calendar setting of the SMART Table overrides the calendar setting of the job inside the SMART table?

thanks in advance.



Posted: 07 May 2013 7:50
by gglau
When you ordered the table, did you "order" or "force"? "Order" will follow schedule and skip job D. "Force" will ignore schedule and include all jobs.