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Add date and time stamp to destination file with AFT

Posted: 17 May 2012 10:19
by ZeekDog2
How do I add the date and time stamp to the destination file using AFT? I am sending a MVS file to UNIX and want to make sure the file is unique when it is written. In the FILE_TRANS setup, Advanced tab I have specified After the completeion of a successful file transer the destination file will be: Renamed. I have given the file name: $$AFTFILE$$_%%$DATE_%%TIME and end up with a file named:SQLOUT_CTMERR$DATE_135532. If I just put in %%$DATE or %%TIME the file is renamed correctly without the CTMERR

Posted: 18 May 2012 6:04
by ZeekDog2
Thank you, the %%$DATE. worked very nicely.