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MSSQL 2000 Sequel Stored Procedure

Posted: 28 Oct 2008 1:36
by Henk Trumpie
Hi there,

Those of you that can help me, I would really apprciate the feedback...

And no DTS commands please, for we can not use DTSRUN, or DTEXEC

Control-M running sql stored procedures is a little bit on the difficult side without any intergration into sql from a Control Module or something in that line. When running a stord procedure, the command line interface looks like this:
isql -Uuserid -Ppassword -Q "use msdb;EXEC sp_start_job @job_name = 'JobName'"

When executing this command line, it will submit the task and it will come back saying that it has ended OK, although the store procedure is still running....

You can instead of using the -Q use a small -q, but then the task just stay in executing mode, not finishing off, for it submits the task, but it does not know what it needs back from sql to end...

Any other ideas or scripts that someone might have that may help in sorting this issue....

Kind Regards