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How to find out what happened to a past job?

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 12:11
by jstarkw
I have a job that was ordered on 1/1 with a max wait of 20.
I only keep archived viewpoints for 7 days.
I keep my sysout logs for 14 days and confirmed that the job ordered on 1/1 in the udly sysout log.
I can see in my archive viewpoint the job was gone on 1/3
The trigger for the job was not available until 1/5 so I know the job did not run.

My question is: Is there an utility or a way to query the database to see what happened to the job?

Posted: 11 Jan 2012 2:08
by pmdeshayes
You could dump your job's log from the table CMR_IOALOG in the Control-M/Server database if you retain enough days.

If you don't have enough retention, try restoring the backup directory of the Control-M/Agent which is supposed to have executed the batch and get your information from the dsect file.

Note: If the job hasn't been submitted you won't find any dsect file in that directory

If this is the case, your last chance is to ask your DBA to restore your database data on another database and consult the CMR_IOALOG table from there.


Posted: 11 Jan 2012 4:50
by jstarkw

I was able to use the IOALOG table to aid in finding the job disapeared due to another job in a completely different scheduling group having the exact same out condition as the predecessor of the job that vanished. This caused the job to run on 1/1 and be removed from the AJF on the 1/2 newday, instead of waiting for the trigger.