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Monitoring long running job

Posted: 02 Nov 2008 6:45
by tnadu
Hi All

I am new to control-m, I have to check a long running job and also for job not starting within the specified time. For example job A has to start by say 0200 a.m and the job did not start by that time i need to do shout and also if the same job doesnt finish by that time also i need to do shout. Please anyone help me setting the job, i will appericiate your help.


Posted: 03 Nov 2008 7:42
by Walty

in the definition about your job you can use in the PostProc panel various shout.

- Late Sub is used when the job is not submitted by the specific time (HHMM format)
- Late Time is used when the job is not finished by the specific time (HHMM format)
- EXECTIME is used when the elapsed runtime for the job is outside the specific limit. Here you have several possibility.

Please see the CONTROL-M Job Parameter and Variable Reference Guide

Posted: 05 Jun 2009 4:15
by Jean-Mi

I am also interested to monitoring long running jobs. But I have more than 12 000 jobs and it’s difficult to use PostProc.
Is it possible to extract (with SQL) in the EM data base all running jobs, their average runtime and the start time.

After, it’s simple to identify all long running jobs.


try this.

Posted: 11 Jun 2009 5:09
by th_alejandro
Hello, my SQL to the community (v6.3.01.400) :

replace ctmuser with your own user
replace &1 with odate

This SQL extract information off ALL jobs finished OK, change oscompstat to obtain other jobs.

SELECT a.nodeid||'|'||
to_date(a.startrun, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')||'|'||
to_date(a.endrun, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')||'|'||
trunc((to_date(a.endrun, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')-to_date(a.startrun, 'YYYYMMD
FROM ctmuser.cmr_jobinf a,
ctmuser.cmr_ajf b
WHERE a.orderno = b.orderno
AND b.odate = '&1'
AND a.oscompstat = 0
ORDER BY a.jobname, a.runcount ;