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Shout destination - Server or Agent

Posted: 06 Nov 2009 2:24
by Echelon
Can someone explain what is the difference between the Server and Agent option on Shout Destination?

Address Type = S (Server)
Address Type = A (Agent)

Posted: 06 Nov 2009 11:45
by philmalmaison
if you shout to Server or agent, it seems that you probably submit a script on the conceerned platform, then who is concerned by your shout ?
agent or server ?
depending about where is the script or process to submit.


Posted: 06 Nov 2009 5:56
by Echelon
So i can assume if i choose Agent that the script will run on the agent machine of the job. So i can copy the script to the agent machine and then run it. If it is server will run on the control-m server machine.
This is correct?

Posted: 06 Nov 2009 7:38
by markf
Yes, this is correct. In most cases it is left as 'S' as there is no real difference in what they do; however I did see a site where they wanted to keep it on the Agent side for some sort of security reason.