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Create a BMC job to send email if there exists more than 1

Posted: 17 Nov 2011 7:04
by mwright
Create a File watcher job in BMC job to send email if there exists more than 1 line in a file and email the output and filename of the changes to that file.
FileWatch-MIN_DET_SIZE 48
FileWatch-FILE_PATH /app/collateral/output/custtypeupdate.txt
I have the minimal byte size set to 48 in order to detect + 1 more that 47, that works, but also to send the output and the changed file content to the users??

Ive gotten the filewatcher to find the file, but to get it to detect +1 more line and send output to users??
+ ctmfw /app/collateral/output/custtypeupdate.txt CREATE 48 60 60 3 5 Y
+ NOW 0 N\
1110 13:40:02 : File '/app/collateral/output/custtypeupdate.txt' exists, it's c\ urrent size is 295 bytes . id=1.
1110 13:40:02 : File '/app/collateral/output/custtypeupdate.txt' has reached t\ he minimum size of 48 bytes. size=295 bytes id=1.
1110 13:43:02 : File transfer was completed. The size of file '/app/collateral/\ output/custtypeupdate.txt' is 295 bytes. id=1. Modified 09/11/2011 21:44