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Is It Possible to view SQL Submitted by Reporting Facility

Posted: 22 Oct 2012 7:57
by DocGoo
The problem is to see what table(s) the reports generated in Reporting Facility are accessing. Most helpful would be to view the SQL RF submitts to the SQL Server. The Summary view during report generation does not seem to contain this.

Thank you!!!!


Posted: 26 Oct 2012 11:52
by mauriziog
You can:
- use the definitions field like:
description, docmem, doclib, etc. to identify the SqlJobs

- if you use the CM for DB use the accounts to define DB type or machine/user and the fileName to identify tables or others informations.

- If you use scripts or embeddedScripts the names of the scripts can identify some informations.

- If you have few parametrized scripts, you can put the variables informations in description.

Is a naming convention that is always usefull, for reports but also for day-to-day manitoring and control; and also to control nember of connections on one DB, read and write operations, and so on.